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Friday, September 3, 2010

Pregnancy at 39 Years Old - How Easy it is to Get Pregnant at 39 Or Above?(pregnancy health)

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There is an optimum age when a woman can get pregnant and this depends on her health condition. Usually, though, this is between 20 and 25 years old. At this age, the reproductive system functions at its best. For women who are struggling to get pregnant, there should be no worries as long as the body is healthy. Pregnancy at 39 years old is still considered to be healthy. Pregnancy at an old age can be a little tricky since the chances of getting pregnant lowers with increasing age but if the body is healthy this is not impossible.
There are many successful stories of women who had their pregnancy at 39 years old and they still gave birth to a healthy baby. In order to know a woman's health condition, it is best to consult a doctor. A gynecologist or obstetrician can also check on the health of the woman's reproductive system and recommend treatments if necessary. Depending on the want of the patient and on her health condition, the doctor may recommend natural or medical treatments. Natural treatments are usually prescribed first and when these fail to work, medical treatments are administered.
A healthy lifestyle is required for women who are determined to have their pregnancy at 39 years old. Alcohol and other harmful substances should be avoided so that they will not interfere with the fertility of the couple. Fertility is not just a problem of the woman, men can also be infertile. Nutritious foods should always be included in the diet of the couple. They should also engage in physical activities such as sports or regular exercise to ensure the health of their reproductive system and the whole body as well.

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Pregnancy Tests And Due Date Calculators(pregnancy health)

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When you are anxious to have a baby you are always wondering if you could be pregnant and if you are, when your due date will be. There are simple tests and calculations that can answer both of those questions. First let's look at pregnancy tests and how they work.
If you have been trying to get pregnant for awhile you probably have gone through several at-home pregnancy tests. Those are a real benefit for women today as you can find out much sooner if you are pregnant and you can do it discreetly. Pregnancy tests, both the at-home kind that test your urine and the blood tests in your doctor's office, measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, that is present.
As soon as you get pregnant, HCG levels start to climb. When the fertilized egg attaches to your uterus, it triggers the release of the HCG hormone and enough of it is released that it can be detected by a home pregnancy test as soon as three days after you miss a period. Blood tests done in a doctor's office are more sensitive and can detect elevated HCG levels within a day of your becoming pregnant, well before you even miss your period.
Since many women rely on home test results first, you should be sure to use it properly. Each test is different so you should read the instructions carefully when you try a new brand. Most commonly, you urinate on a test stick and then wait for about five minutes for the results to register.
Home based pregnancy tests are very accurate and seldom give positive readings if you are not pregnant. On the other hand, they can give negative readings when you are pregnant. So if you suspect you are pregnant but get a negative reading, you should repeat the test in a few days.
When you get a positive result on a home pregnancy test you should make an appointment right away for a health exam and prenatal care. Your baby's nervous system and brain begin developing first during the critical time when you may not even know you are pregnant so you want to start eating properly and taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid as soon as possible.
Once you know you are in fact pregnant, you'll want to know when your baby is due. Your doctor can help you calculate the due date. He may use a due date calculator or an ultrasound if he needs to be more precise. Remember that babies are born according to their own schedules and it isn't possible to determine the exact date with certainty unless you have a C-section planned.
A due date calculator can give you a general idea of when you can expect your baby though. It works like this: Add seven days to the date of your last period and then subtract three months. If your last period was on June 7, add seven days to equal June 14. Now subtract three months, and you get your due date of March 14th.

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How to Exercise During Pregnancy(pregnancy health)

pregnancy health
It is a scientifically proven fact, that exercise during pregnancy can be beneficial to the would-be mother. This is good news because finally there is something you can do to make pregnancy a better experience. However you can only use exercise to alleviate your condition during pregnancy if you know how to do it right.
The first thing you need to understand is that exercise during pregnancy will not improve your fitness. It will, instead, ensure that your health levels do not go down drastically. And any exercise that you do during this period has to be done with the safety of your baby as the prime concern. So, it is best train under professional guidance. Hiring a personal trainer is the safest and wisest thing you can do.
Choose a personal trainer who specializes in dealing with clients who are pregnant. If you get the right expert to train with, she can oversee your fitness throughout pregnancy as well as during postpartum recovery. And if you build a good rapport with her she can provide emotional support too.
But even if you hire a personal trainer there are some facts about fitness training during pregnancy that you should understand.
1. The amount of exercise you will be able to do during pregnancy is directly related to how fit and active you were before. In case you have never exercised in your life, do not tell your trainer otherwise. Though she may be able to analyze current physical condition quite easily, you should confess the truth to make things easier for her.
2. Just because you are exercising does not mean that you have to do something stressful. Particularly if you have never exercised before, this is not the time to embark on a detailed fitness training regimen. A gentle aerobics program, for at the most half an hour everyday, should be enough to start with. You can then progress to bigger and better things!
3. While maintaining a mild to moderate intensity of exercise, you should also take care that you do not engage in activities which may cause you to lose balance. A fall during pregnancy can have traumatic consequences. For this reason its best to take regular walks. Walking is a great exercise which can give you exact health benefits required during pregnancy.
4. Walk at a normal pace to ensure that your heart rate never exceeds 140 beats per minute. Your body temperature should also not exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Try to walk early in the morning or late afternoon when the weather is pleasant.
5. If you want to walk indoors, do not use a motorized treadmill, since you have no control over the pace at which the belt rolls. Use a non-motorized model on which you can walk as fast as you want.
6. In case you are training with mild weights, you should take adequate rest between two sets to let yourself cool down and regain energy.
Mild exercise can really help you cope better with pregnancy. As you may know by now, the key is to work out smart!
pregnancy health


What to Eat When Pregnant - Detoxing From Sugar and Caffeine(pregnancy health)

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Run a simple Google search for what to eat when pregnant and chances are, the top two foods you should eliminate are caffeine and sugar. Both of these ingredients are in the average woman's diet, and it's necessity for anyone seeking the proper foods to eat when pregnant.
Unfortunately, both sugar and caffeine are addictive substances that will cause a range of not-so-pleasant symptoms if you detox from them too quickly. So how can you eliminate these food items, stay healthy during pregnancy, and still mitigate the effects of detoxing? Read on for your foolproof detox plan to eliminate sugar and caffeine during pregnancy.
What You Should Know about Sugar
Aside from the usual issues of weight gain, tooth decay, and rapid increases in blood sugar, sugar poses an entirely different set of problems in pregnant women. During pregnancy, sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream more rapidly than when a woman is not pregnant, which causes the pancreas to kick in and create more insulin. This can cause a vicious cycle of elevated blood sugar levels while the pancreas tries to catch up. This state can lead to gestational diabetes.
If you think you can sidestep the issue by using chemical sugar substitutes such as saccharine, sucralose, or aspartame, think again. These chemicals cannot be processed in the fetus' developing liver. This can lead to a host of issues and abnormailities for both the baby and for you.
Eliminating Sugar
The good news is there are natural sugar substitutes that can help curb your sugar cravings as you detox from eating sugar. These healthy substitutes include stevia, raw honey, xylitol, and agave syrup.
These substitutes have been used for ages and have no unhealthy effect on the fetus or on your body during pregnancy. In fact, even after pregnancy, you should consider using only these types of sweeteners.
As with anything during pregnancy, moderation is key. Will one piece of cake be devastating to your pregnancy? No. But by eliminating the refined sugars and focusing on using healthy sweeteners, you can be assured that you are providing the best nutritional health for yourself and your baby during pregnancy. It also has the added benefit of helping keep your weight in check.
What You Should Know about Caffeine
Caffeine crosses the placental barrier, which is only one reason why it can be unhealthy for pregnant women and their babies. Most doctors agree that you should consume no more than 150mg of caffeine per day without harming your fetus.
That's the equivalent of one cup of coffee or two cups of black tea on a daily basis. However, many women want to completely eliminate caffeine during pregnancy because they don't want to run the risk of harming the baby.
Eliminating Caffeine
If you choose to eliminate caffeine, cold turkey is not the best way to go. In fact, you can make yourself quite ill if you go cold turkey and detox too rapidly. The best course of action is to slowly step down your caffeine consumption over time.
If you are used to drinking coffee, try stepping down to black tea, then green tea, then white tea. If you want to completely rid yourself of caffeine, then switch to herbal teas.
You should know that chocolate and some headache medicines also contain caffeine, so keep that in mind when calculating your daily allotment.
As with anything, know that moderation is the best solution. Simply by making the effort to control the amount of sugar and caffeine you consume during pregnancy, you are taking a big positive step to improve your health and the health of your unborn child.

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