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Friday, June 4, 2010

Being Healthy - The Best Chance For a Successful Pregnancy.(pregnancy health)

pregnancy health
In the months leading up to a pregnancy, you can ensure that you give your baby the best chance of success from development to delivery if you are aware of your own health.
There are lots of things that you can do to prepare your body. First of all, cut down on alcohol consumption. If you can cut it out entirely, but definitely do not drink during your pregnancy. Even one or two drinks is not healthy at all, you may read differing opinions on this, but why take the risk? Give your baby the best chance you can and stop drinking.
Quit smoking. If you are a heavy smoker, you should cut down or quit. See your doctor for some assistance with this, most people can't quit cold turkey. Babies from smokers have lower birth weights and more health problems. Smoking also increases your chances of having a miscarriage.
Start taking folic acid. This is a B vitamin that is essential to the development of your baby. It helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, and it will help in the development of the first four weeks with your baby's spine, skull and brain.
Baby's teeth start forming right in the womb, so it is important to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D. You can get these vitamins from milk, yogurt, cheese and fortified soy beverages.
If you already get regular exercise, there is no reason to stop exercising because you are pregnant. Just be sensible and don't over do it. If at any time you feel weak or need a break, then take one.
Don't take the attitude that you are eating for two and double your food intake. You only need a certain amount of extra calories. Remember, every pound you put on with your baby will need to be worked off after child birth, so be sensible about what you put in your mouth. Also, when you are pregnant is not the time to be on a diet. Unless you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you won't need to be on any special diet. Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, low fat milk products and whole grains as much as possible. Never skip meals and don't snack on junk or processed foods if you can help it.
Remember, you are building a baby from the ground up and good nutrition will ensure that your body does the best job that it can.
pregnancy health
