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Friday, June 4, 2010

Being Healthy - The Best Chance For a Successful Pregnancy.(pregnancy health)

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In the months leading up to a pregnancy, you can ensure that you give your baby the best chance of success from development to delivery if you are aware of your own health.
There are lots of things that you can do to prepare your body. First of all, cut down on alcohol consumption. If you can cut it out entirely, but definitely do not drink during your pregnancy. Even one or two drinks is not healthy at all, you may read differing opinions on this, but why take the risk? Give your baby the best chance you can and stop drinking.
Quit smoking. If you are a heavy smoker, you should cut down or quit. See your doctor for some assistance with this, most people can't quit cold turkey. Babies from smokers have lower birth weights and more health problems. Smoking also increases your chances of having a miscarriage.
Start taking folic acid. This is a B vitamin that is essential to the development of your baby. It helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, and it will help in the development of the first four weeks with your baby's spine, skull and brain.
Baby's teeth start forming right in the womb, so it is important to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D. You can get these vitamins from milk, yogurt, cheese and fortified soy beverages.
If you already get regular exercise, there is no reason to stop exercising because you are pregnant. Just be sensible and don't over do it. If at any time you feel weak or need a break, then take one.
Don't take the attitude that you are eating for two and double your food intake. You only need a certain amount of extra calories. Remember, every pound you put on with your baby will need to be worked off after child birth, so be sensible about what you put in your mouth. Also, when you are pregnant is not the time to be on a diet. Unless you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you won't need to be on any special diet. Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, low fat milk products and whole grains as much as possible. Never skip meals and don't snack on junk or processed foods if you can help it.
Remember, you are building a baby from the ground up and good nutrition will ensure that your body does the best job that it can.
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Taking A Pregnancy Test.(pregnancy health)

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If you're finding yourself walking into your local drug store and walking down the aisle of feminine products, trying to figure out what pregnancy test is the most accurate, you're not alone. So many different companies have now developed tests that they claim are more effective and provide faster results. The prices range greatly, so you're more inclined to spend more thinking that a more expensive brand will definitely be better. However, they're all based on the same factors and chemicals. They all require you to urinate on a stick. You'd think that they'd find a better way to give a woman good news other than making her drink several glasses of water just to have the urge to use the bathroom. Perhaps someday, the drugstores will have a different type of pregnancy test. Until then, you can walk up and down the aisle and rest assured that the many manufacturers who make these tests all use the same technology. You can make the decision as to how much you want to spend on purchasing a test. Some women will spend massive amounts of money purchasing a variety of these tests, hoping that different brands will provide different answers. The facts will still remain the same - if you're pregnant, that's not going to change depending on a simple brand.
A home pregnancy test uses urine to detect if hormones are present, but usually, this can only be done a week or more after a missed period. If taken too soon, the hormone will not yet be at a high enough level to be detected. Some tests do state, however, that you use first morning urine, because it is more concentrated and will have the largest amount of hormones present.
Pregnancy tests are very accurate when used correctly. But, remember, they must be used at the right time of the month. Too early, and a false negative result will occur, due to the need for the pregnancy hormone to be present in a high enough quantity for the stick to measure. If the menstrual period is two weeks late, and the test is still negative, an appointment with the doctor might be indicated.
Some women are now using the online test. This test does not provide a definite yes or no answer, but it does help to determine if the woman should go to her doctor or to her local drugstore to have a real test that is official. This may seem like a waste of time to some people, but the online pregnancy test does potential mothers a great service. The online tests help women focus on the actual symptoms of pregnancy without the anticipation of a definite yes or no answer. The test helps a woman decide if she should test further.
What does a woman do when she takes a home pregnancy test and it indicates that she is pregnant. The tests are on average a dependable inexpensive way to confirm a pregnancy. They are very reasonably priced, and are very similar to the urine pregnancy tests used by physician's offices. However most women decide to go and see their doctor to determine the next course of action. Guess what? The first thing the nurse does on her arrival is ask for another pregnancy test - no different to the one she has already taken, except that this one incurs a doctor's fee.
pregnancy health


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Early Sign Of Pregnancy - Learn More.(pregnancy health)

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A missed period is a definite early sign of pregnancy but even before you miss any period there are so many other early sign of the pregnancy that can tell you whether or not you are pregnant. However, the problem with most of the early sign of pregnancy is that are similar to what you may observe before the arrival of the period. Determining whether you are pregnant or not with the help of the early sign of pregnancy without any pregnancy test is just like solving a difficult puzzle. It is not compulsory that every single women experience every early sign of pregnancy. However, it is also unlikely that you do not experience any one of them.
Swollen Breasts Along With Tenderness
Tenderness of the breast is an early sign of pregnancy that starts appearing very early immediately after the conception. This early pregnancy symptom tell us that body has started naturally preparing itself for the arrival and feeding of the child. According to the experts of the pregnancy health and the pregnancy journal you should not make the mistake of linking it with the pre menstrual symptoms because during pregnancy sometimes you may experience swollen breasts instead of the tenderness in the breast.

Feeling Less Energetic
If you are feeling tiredness and are not feeling that much energetic as you normally used to be then this may also be an early sign of pregnancy. In these kinds of circumstances most of the women make the mistake of linking this tiredness and lack of energetic feeling with the other things happening around them, while, in reality this is an early sign of pregnancy. There are several factors responsible for this tiredness. Some of them are change in the hormones, chemistry of the body and the activity that the body of any woman needs to do at the time of the conception. If you are experiencing this kind of fatigue then it is better to take more sleep.

Nausea, Increase In Appetite
Nausea is a distinctive early sign of pregnancy. Here again people make the mistake of associating it with the food poisoning, stomach flu or anything similar to this. If the nausea continues and does not subside then one must assume that she is pregnant. Many women also feel increased hunger as compared to when they were not pregnant. This is very much natural process because the body requires more nutrition for the growth and development of the embryo. On the contrary some of the women may feel a complete loss of the appetite. In some cases the women may complaint of lost appetite or increased appetite on different days varying with the other early pregnancy symptom.
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.
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Pregnancy Health - Important Tips For Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy.(pregnancy health)

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As you are going through pregnancy, pregnancy health is going to be one of your most important concerns. After all, you need to make sure that both you and your baby are strong and healthy for the delivery. The more you work on keeping yourself healthy, the less likely your baby is going to have any problems. So, you may be wondering, how do you keep yourself healthy while going through a pregnancy? Well, here are some important tips for staying healthy during your pregnancy that can help.
Make Sure You Eat Right
First of all, it's very important to your pregnancy health that you eat right. This means eating meals that are nutritious instead of hitting up all the junk foods. You will need to eat a bit more while you are pregnant, but try to make sure that the extra foods you are eating are actually healthy for you. You need protein, plenty of fruits and veggies, grains, dairy products, and of course plenty of water as well.
Don't Overeat
One of the most important things you need to keep in mind while you are pregnant if you want to stay healthy is to avoid overeating. Many women have the idea that they have to eat a whole lot more while they are pregnant. Well, you can expect an increase in your appetite and you'll also find that you do need a few more calories, but this should never be an excuse to start overeating. You don't want to gain too much weight while you are pregnant. Too much weight gain can lead to unhealthy problems during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and it can be difficult to take off after the pregnancy as well.
Avoid These Foods
When it comes to your pregnancy health, there are some foods to be avoided while you are pregnant to keep yourself healthy. You should get rid of the cigarettes and avoid alcohol. Also, nail polish should be avoided, since chemicals are included that can cause some birth defects. Even caffeine should be limited and some kinds of fish, such as shark, tilefish, and swordfish should be avoided during your pregnancy.
Get Plenty of Rest
Last of all, you'll find that getting plenty of rest is definitely important for your pregnancy health. As your body is going through all the changes that come with pregnancy, you can expect to be more tired. Take a nap or get a couple extra hours of sleep at night. It will help you feel better and stay healthier as you carry your baby throughout the pregnancy.
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Pregnancy Health Concerns - Effective Remedies For A Happy Pregnancy.(pregnancy health)

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If you are concerned with the expanding waistline problem, abdominal pains, groin area pains and thighs and so on, then you should not be surprised, as they are pregnancy health issues that affect your entire body. There are many ways by which you can feel better with pregnancy health issues. Body changes, digestion problems, weight gain problem, acnes, pains and backaches can be dealt effectively if one follows a proper routine. To ease some these pregnancy health problems try lying down as much as you can, rest your back and apply heat wherever the pain is awful. If pregnancy heath problems still does not get better with natural methods, it is always better that you consult your doctor.
Initial Problems, Natural Remedies:
The initial signs of pregnancy health issues are the leak of colostrums during the third month. Colostrum is a thick, yellowish fluid that contains antibodies and protects the newborns from infection. Oozing out of Colostrum from breasts can be quite an embarrassing situation for pregnant mothers and this pregnancy health problem has to be dealt effectively. Wash you nipples regularly and avoid the application of soap. Moisturize your nipples regularly to avoid cracked nipples. The use of maternity or nursing bra is advisable as it provides extra support.
An early pregnancy symptom involves dizziness and lightheadedness and continues throughout pregnancy. Fainting is a very rare phenomenon but do occur even in some healthy pregnant women. This is not at all a serious pregnancy health related concern. At this stage, there is growth of more blood vessels and the pressure of expanding uterus is felt on the growing blood vessels. Moreover, continuous urge for food during pregnancy can make you feel dizzy and giddy.
Effective remedies for such pregnancy health related problems, as mentioned above, mainly require you to stand up slowly, and lay on your left side when you feel lightheaded. Do not overeat but try to have healthy snacks and small means frequently. Change your sitting or standing position continuously as eases the problem of dizziness.
Early sign of pregnancy such as weight gain, dizziness, lightheadedness, cramps, needs to be continuously monitored and consulted. Pregnancy health issues especially to matters concerning weight gain generally depend on how much you weighed before pregnancy. Safe sex is something which all doctors will advise under pregnancy health related issues. Pregnancy increases the sexual urge in some women and vice versa. Incase, you face any difficulty during sexual intercourse such as pain in the vagina, bleeding or leaking of fluid from the vagina, vomiting and nauseatic feeling and so on, you should immediately consult the doctor.
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.
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Ingredients For a Healthy Pregnancy - Diet Health During Pregnancy.(pregnancy health)

pregnancy health
Pregnancy is not merely a one-woman job. Although the woman does the main task of carrying the baby in her womb for nine months, the cooperation and support that her husband or partner provides is just as important in ensuring the success of the pregnancy. One way in which the husband or partner can demonstrate his support is by participating in a men's health diet in the same manner that his wife is undergoing a pregnancy health diet. Doing so would benefit two things - while his being on a men's health diet during his wife's pregnancy serves as a source of encouragement for his wife, his health is boosted as well. Though there are no clear-cut formulas for a perfect pregnancy, there are plenty of factors that can aid greatly in ensuring the pregnancy's success, such as: having a healthy diet during pregnancy, having the husband or partner participate in a men's health diet, and making sure to take a good amount of DHA Omega-3 nutrients.

What is DHA Omega-3, and how can it help in ensuring a healthy pregnancy? It is a group of essential fatty acids absorbed by the body through the food we eat. DHA Omega-3 serves to regulate bodily systems such as the cardiovascular and reproductive systems, which are particularly important functions for someone who is pregnant. Taking good amount of DHA Omega-3 is beneficial not only for a pregnant woman, but improves men's health, and especially the baby's health as well. Nutrients in Omega-3 help to fully develop the brain and nervous system, form the retinas, and aid in forming the tissue of a baby in the womb. Aside from these, babies who receive a good amount of Omega-3 before they are born are less likely to possess any birth defects, or acquire breast or prostate cancer, or any other chronic illness, in the future. Given this fact, consuming DHA Omega-3 as part of the diet during pregnancy would not only benefit the woman, man, and baby's health for the time being, but would bring about long-term positive health effects as well.

The importance of including Omega-3 as part of the diet during pregnancy as well as the men's health diet should not be underestimated. DHA Omega-3 can mostly be found in the following:
o Fish with oil such as mackerel and sardines
o Fish oil and cod liver supplements
o Tuna
o Bread and fruit juice
o Vegetables, especially the ones which are green and leafy
o Sunflower seeds
o Walnuts

As with any food, however, too much of Omega-3 foods could be harmful instead of being helpful. The high sodium content in too much sardines, for instance, could have a detrimental effect to the diet during pregnancy as well as men's and the baby's health. The key is to consume foods rich in Omega-3 as part of the pregnancy diet in moderate amounts. By keeping this in mind, the health of the mother during pregnancy, the men's health, and most importantly the baby's health are better improved.
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